Despite the death knell sounded by digital media’s marauding newcomers, traditional journalism is slowly adapting to the new environment.

Formalized Twitter protocol is in place at all major publications. Newsrooms from The Telegraph to Slate and even The New York Times use Twitter as a complement to the newswire. Many prominent journalists claim Twitter followings that practically rival the circulation of their papers. And dozens of new online platforms facilitate real-time coverage, crowdsourcing, and contact checks to reinforce credibility standards. Traditional print papers won't necessarily disappear, but new media platforms like Twitter will become increasingly integrated into the news process. 

Below is a reinterpretation of the March 21, 2012, front page of The New York Times to reflect this evolving relationship. I reduced each article to a headline and a sub-140 character description of the story, constructed only from words and letters found in the article itself.

I'm pretty sure there's still some glue under my fingernails from piecing it together.